The Morning After: A few Photos from our NYE Casting Party and Christmas Gala

It was supremely hard getting out of bed this morning after our casting party last night. Hundreds of beautiful bodies showed up to audition for our New Year's Eve Gala. We had dancers, bartenders, models, actresses, and even a father-son Elf and Santa team.

Color Parties and Hotel Toshi have teamed up to give you the greatest New Year's Eve blowout of the decade. We're so excited to start picking and choosing our new Tosh-ettes and Toshe-hunks.

Thanks for coming out to the party, hopefully you had a drink, had some body paint, and had an awesome time.

No more time to blog, we have to choose our new team! This is going to take a while...we have a loooooooooot of pictures to look at.

If you want to purchase tickets to the 2010 New Year's Eve Toshi Party, head to

Gabriel, an employee of Hotel Toshi, didn't have time to change out of his office uniform before the party :)