A toshi tale: "We Want to Move Here"

When I first met Rebecca Walton, Alice Williams, and Catherine Rowley the rain was pounding -- making these Brits feel right at home despite this behind their very first trip to New York City. When we made it up the stairs and into the apartment, they instantly felt they were in a home away from home.

Rebecca is an interior designer, Alice a PR executive, and Catherine a lingerie designer making them a perfect cross-section of much of our clientele -- young, successful professionals looking for a cozy apartment in Manhattan and a true NYC experience.

I asked how they found Hotel Toshi, " we were recommended by friends and after doing some internet research, it became obvious that Hotel Toshi was the best option for us. We were immediately attracted by the many great locations, as well as the decor and ambiance of the apartments."

Rebecca said, " we did not feel comfortable booking a place without pictures, which is what many of the craiglist listings were. Your units had great pictures, and now that I am here they look exactly as advertised! We are very happy."

When I touched base with them at the end of the stay to see how everything went, I got a unanimous "AMAZING." They again noted the location, and how convenient it was to pop out for a dinner, drink, or entertainment being in such a prime location.

They were very busy during the trip, hitting up all of the must see spots for a first time visit to NYC, " We went to the Met, Guggenheim, MoMa, Central Park, Top of the Rock, rode the Toys R US ferris wheel, Time Square, and somehow squeezed in a broadway show."

Which show?

"Westside Story, of course!"

Upon further discussion of their trip, I think they really liked New York City. When I asked their impressions, all three woman told me they now want to move here! Catherine told me, "We really love it. It's how you imagine it, but so much more. We've done all the obvious tourist stuff [and take my word, they did], but still feel like there is so much more to do. It really never sleeps."

When I asked what the highlight was, their answer was reminiscent of a true New Yorker's : "Central Park on a beautiful today."

I could not agree more.

Evan Kass,
Director of Client Services
Hotel Toshi